Drug Testing


Drug Testing

During treatment at SOAR, you are required to participate in random drug tests.The purpose of drug testing is to provide an objective view of progress toward treatment goals.The drug test results can help determine the direction of counseling and assist in setting reasonable goals for treatment.Drug testing is an important factor for the SOAR medical staff in making decisions about your medication needs and dosage adjustments.SOAR will not discharge you solely for positive drug test results.You may however be discharged for refusing to or failing to participate in drug testing on a continuous basis.

Although the state and federally approved labs are reliable, positive results may be confirmed upon request.There will be a fee for this service.

In order to monitor the providing of a urine sample, and to ensure that there is no tampering with the sample, bathrooms are equipped with cameras.The monitor is viewed by the nursing staff.Additionally, the staff may from time to time physically observe you providing a urine sample.

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