Patient Grievance


Patient Grievance

It is the policy of SOAR to afford its patients the opportunity to pursue a resolution to any concerns in a structured format that provides fair and equitable due process. It is SOAR policy to review and respond to grievances submitted by both current and prior patients. You will be informed of the SOAR grievance procedures during orientation to treatment services. In addition, you have received this patient handbook which details the procedure. Laminated signs detailing the grievance process are in plain view throughout the clinic.

As a patient you are encouraged to voice your complaint and/or grievances, if you believe that you rights as a patient have been violated. SOAR encourages the resolution of day to day issues informally between you and your satisfaction, your primary counselor will advise you of the grievance procedure outlined in this written plan.

You, your guardians or your attorney may file a grievance. When you want to file a grievance, if needed you will be given another copy of this handbook.

When you file a grievance you will in no way be subject to reprisal in any form, because you filed a grievance. NO CLIENT WILL EVER BE PENALIZED OR BE THE OBJECT OF PUNATIVE ACTIONS BECAUSE THEY HAVE FILED A GRIEVANCE.

During the formal grievance process, you may be provided assistance by a representative of your choice. You will also be entitled to review any material obtained in the process of the grievance, except where it would violate another patient’s confidentiality. You have the right to present witnesses with information that is pertinent to the grievance, and are entitled to receive written findings and recommendations.

The burden of proof is on SOAR to demonstrate compliance with policies and standards to ensure your rights.

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