


SOAR values advocating for and protecting the rights of patients and will adhere to all applicable Federal and State Regulations regarding rights of the patients.We do not discriminate in the provision of services on the basis of age, race, creed, sex, ethnicity, color, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, handicap and religion.

You will be informed, in writing, at the time of admission of the following rights in a language you understand. A copy of these rights are being provided to you in this patient handbook.These rights will be discussed during orientation and will be posted at a conspicuous site in the clinic.


  1. To be informed of your rights during admission or orientation to treatment whenever the agency makes a change in your rights and upon verbal or written request.
  • A receipt of this information shall be documented by your signature and filed in your clinical record. If you are unwilling or unable to sign it will be recorded.
  1. To be provided services in the least restrictive environment. To know the recommended level of care for my treatment and as indicated by my presenting problems and to be provided a referral to alternate treatment services when indicated.
  2. To not be discriminated against in the provision of services based on age, race, creed, gender, ethnicity, color, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, handicap, socioeconomic status, religion or source of payment. In addition, to exercise my rights without fear of restraint, interference, discrimination and reprisal.
  3. To be informed in a language that I understand.
  4. To be informed about what to expect in the treatment process, and to refuse any treatment, procedure, or medications, to the extent permitted by law, and to be advised of the potential risks and impact on my treatment process.
  5. To be informed of the cost of services rendered to me and to my family as soon as the information is available.
  6. To receive a copy of the patient handbook, which contains the guidelines for treatment including program rules, services provided patient rights, etc.
  7. To take an active part in the planning of my individualized treatment plan and aftercare activities, as well as consider referrals to other services if I am inappropriate or ineligible for treatment at the present level of care. Or, I may refuse treatment or any procedures or specific medication that is unusual, hazardous or experimental.
  8. To request a review of my treatment plan at any time during treatment, and to obtain the opinion of a qualified outside consultant regarding my treatment at my own expense, if I so desire.
  9. To know the benefits, risks and side effects of all medications and treatment procedures that may be prescribed, and to be apprised of alternative treatment procedures.
  10. To have competent, qualified, experienced clinical associates to supervise and carry out my treatment, and the opportunity to select a counselor of my choice.
  11. To expect confidentiality from all associates with respect to my identity, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment.
  12. To not be requested to perform services for SOAR, which are not stated as part of my treatment plan. I understand I will not be allowed to perform services in lieu of treatment fees.
  13. To obtain copies of all consents that I sign. Either the counselor or the Program Director will honor verbal requests for copies of consents within 24 hours.
  14. To protection from harassment by any outside agency or person while on the premises. SOAR will exercise confidentiality laws fully.
  15. To air grievances and initiate appeals. I have been informed of the patient appeals procedures. I understand that the grievance procedures will be posted in conspicuous places within the clinic. I will receive decisions to my grievances in writing and have the right to appeal the findings to unbiased sources.
  16. To inspect my records subject to the following limitations:
  • Patients may request in writing their desire to review records.
  • The Director will respond to all such requests with-in five (5) working days.
  • A clinical associate will supervise the review. Once the patient reviews their record, a note will be entered in PDAP format that the process was completed.
  • Patients will be asked to sign a form that will verify they were allowed the right to inspect their record.
  • The Medical Director, Nurse Practitioner, Physician Assistant or other appropriately credentialed designee as allowed by law, may temporarily remove portions of the record prior to the inspection if he/she determines that the information may be detrimental if presented to the patient. Reasons for removing sections will be documented and kept on file.
  • I have the right to appeal a decision limiting access to the records through the grievance process.
  • I have the right to request the correction of inaccurate, irrelevant, outdated or incomplete information from my records. I will be offered a form to complete if I choose to challenge any of the information.
  • I have the right to submit rebuttal data or memoranda to my own records.
  • I have the right to request copies of my record and within 5 business days be provided with a copy. (a fee may be charged)
  1. To not be restrained or secluded. However, in the event my behavior becomes unruly or a threat to the health of other patients or associates, proper authorities may be contacted to remove me from the clinic. I will not be deprived of any civil right solely because of treatment.
  2. To not be subjected to and have the freedom from:
  • Physical abuse, sexual abuse, harassment, physical punishment, neglect
  • Psychological abuse, including humiliating, threatening and, exploitive actions
  • Financial exploitation
  1. To receive services in accordance with standards of professional practice appropriate to my needs.
  2. To be afforded reasonable opportunity to improve my condition.
  3. To receive humane care and protection from harm.
  4. To exercise my constitutional, statutory, and civil rights that have been denied or limited by an adjudication or finding of mental incompetence in a guardianship or other civil proceeding. [This does not validate the otherwise viable act of an individual who was: (1) Mentally incompetent at the time of the act; and (2) not judicially declared to be mentally incompetent.]
  5. Before being asked to consent to participate in a research project, to be informed of the following:
  6. The benefits to be expected;
  7. The potential discomforts and risks;
  8. Alternative services that might benefit me;
  9. The procedures to be followed, especially those that are experimental in nature;
  10. The right to refuse to participate in any research project without compromising my access to the agency’s services.
  11. The treatment being proposed.
  12. Elements of the proposed treatment that are considered experimental research or a clinical trial;
  13. Methods of addressing privacy, confidentiality and safety;
  14. Have the right to receive assistance to, referrals to, and access to self help support services, and advocacy support services that are located within the community and or at the facility. Staff shall offer assistance in locating and referring me to such services.

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